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Alaska Vacations | Montana Mountain Bike | Montana River Trips | Hawaii – Multisport

<!– prvi odlomak –>
<a name=”alaska”></a><h3><img src=”../images/tri_top.gif” width=”15″ height=”13″ border=”0″>&nbsp;Alaska Vacations</h3>
<p>In only seven days, this wonderful itinerary offers a representative cross section of Alaska from the varied wilderness interior to the rugged maritime environments, traversing three major mountain ranges and hundreds of miles of marine sanctuary and coastline in this tour accessible to all. If longing to see some of the real Alaska, but don’t care to camp, then this is the tour for you. &nbsp;(Add a link to a PDF)</p>

<!– drugi odlomak –>
<a name=”monbike”></a><h3><img src=”../images/tri_top.gif” width=”15″ height=”13″ border=”0″>&nbsp;Montana Mountain Bike</h3>
<p>We’ve chosen some of the best cycling routes in Montana for your perusal. They’re graded by difficulty and length, so you can find a short, easy ride that’s just right for you and your family, or a longer multi-day adventure. Go to the index below for a list&nbsp;and description of&nbsp;the currently-available rides. We’re adding more rides all the time, so check back before you throw your bikes on the rack and head for the Big Sky Country.</p>
<p>Lake Koocanusa Loop – Road Bike</p>
<p>Flint Creek Ramble – Road Bike</p>
<p>Flint Creek Ramble – Road Bike</p>
<p>Big Hole River – Road Bike</p>
<p>Red Rocks Lake Wildlife Refuge – Mountain Bike</p>

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<a name=”river”></a><h3><img src=”../images/tri_top.gif” width=”15″ height=”13″ border=”0″>&nbsp;Montana River Trips</h3>
<p>Big Sky Country offers some of the most exciting white water rafting and scenic river trips in the nation. From Montana’s snowy peaks and the Yellowstone Plateau, pristine waters converge and flow through spectacular canyons and valleys. Experience the thrill of whitewater on a raft trip down the Alberton Gorge, near Missoula, or the tranquil beauty of the wild and scenic Upper Missouri, near Fort Benton. You can explore Montana’s rivers in many ways, Compass Adventure Tours offers a variety of trips on driftboats, rafts, kayaks and canoes. </p>

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<a name=”hawaii”></a><h3><img src=”../images/tri_top.gif” width=”15″ height=”13″ border=”0″>&nbsp;Hawaii – Multisport</h3>
<p>Balmy island evenings, amber sunsets, palm-fringed white and black sand beaches, lush green tropical rainforests, spectacular vistas of mountains and the crashing surf, the thrill of watching red-hot lava flow into the blue sea — this is the Big Island of Hawaii. You’ll explore on country roads the very best parts of the largest of the 124 islands that comprise the state of Hawaii.</p>
<p>Prices include lodging, three meals a day (except one lunch on some trips), drinks and snacks from the van, maps and written route directions, all support vans and trailers as required, taxes, all gratuities to waiters (except for items that you pay for), and baggage handlers, leadership, all maintenance on rental bicycles, all park entrance fees, sea kayaking, rafting, canoe rentals, wildlife cruises, boat rides, snorkeling, and tourist attractions where noted in the trip descriptions, and ferry boat tickets where the ferry ride is part of a day’s standard cycling route.</p>




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Want to experience fast trails and technical descents? We have just the extreme mountain biking trip for you. You’ll spend four days in the most beautiful country with trails that are designed for the experienced biker.

The trails take riders on incredible single track, slick rock, and jeep roads through indescribably beautiful terrain. The tour concludes with a ride at the famed Slippery Rock Bike Trail, and a shuttle ride that returns you to Fruita, Colorado.

First time backcountry riders are cautioned that this is a rather technical and physically challenging area including considerable amounts of single track. Beginning riders who want to lay claim to the memories offered by the trail, but hesitate to experience the heart-pounding thrill of a radical downhill single track should consider one of our day rides.

Request Information



Country: Australia Mexico Portugal United Kingdom United States


I am interested in these activities: Mountain Biking White Water Rafting Surfing

Choose your travel destination first choice: Hawaii Australia Colorado


Hawaii – Multisport

Montana River Trips

Alaska Vacations

Montana Mountain Bike

Hawaii – Multisport
Balmy island evenings, amber sunsets, palm-fringed white and black sand beaches, lush green tropical rainforests, spectacular vistas of mountains and the crashing surf, the thrill of watching red-hot lava flow into the blue sea – this is the Big Island of Hawaii. You’ll explore on country roads the very best parts of the largest of the 124 islands that comprise the state of Hawaii. Prices include lodging, three meals a day (except one lunch on some trips), drinks and snacks from the van, maps and written route directions, all support vans and trailers as required, taxes, all gratuities to waiters (except for items that you pay for), and baggage handlers, leadership, all maintenance on rental bicycles, all park entrance fees, sea kayaking, rafting, canoe rentals, wildlife cruises, boat rides, snorkeling, and tourist attractions where noted in the trip descriptions, and ferry boat tickets where the ferry ride is part of a day’s standard cycling route.
Montana River Trips
Big Sky Country offers some of the most exciting white water rafting and scenic river trips in the nation. From Montana’s snowy peaks and the Yellowstone Plateau, pristine waters converge and flow through spectacular canyons and valleys. Experience the thrill of whitewater on a raft trip down the Alberton Gorge, near Missoula, or the tranquil beauty of the wild and scenic Upper Missouri, near Fort Benton. You can explore Montana’s rivers in many ways, Compass Adventure Tours offers a variety of trips on driftboats, rafts, kayaks and canoes.

Alaska Vacations
In only seven days, this wonderful itinerary offers a representative cross section of Alaska from the varied wilderness interior to the rugged maritime environments, traversing three major mountain ranges and hundreds of miles of marine sanctuary and coastline in this tour accessible to all. If longing to see some of the real Alaska, but don’t care to camp, then this is the tour for you. <a href=”#”>more …</a></td>

Montana Mountain Bike
We’ve chosen some of the best cycling routes in Montana for your perusal. They’re graded by difficulty and length, so you can find a short, easy ride that’s just right for you and your family, or a longer multi-day adventure. Go to the index below for a list and description of the currently-available rides. We’re adding more rides all the time, so check back before you throw your bikes on the rack and head for the Big Sky Country.

Lake Koocanusa Loop – Road Bike
Flint Creek Ramble – Road Bike
Red Rocks Lake Wildlife Refuge – Mountain Bike
Big Hole River – Road Bike